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Optical alignment

The following presentations provide basic understanding of misaligned optics and establish a strategy for the initial beamline alignment. Caution: big file sizes due to many animations! If you do not have Microsoft Office, better use their PowerPoint Viewer (it is free) rather than OpenOffice Impress  (tested versions: 2.4.1. and 3.0) which incorrectly displays cropped images and some animations in the files below. 


The goal of the alignment

1) Ray-traced image with ideal mirrors and crystals:

beam image without figure errors in mirrors and without thermal bumps


2) Ray-traced image with ideal mirrors and distorted 1st crystal absorbing 750W (the CM radius is corrected as 1/Rnew=1/Rold+1/Rbump):

beam image without figure errors in mirrors and with thermal bump in 1st Xtal


3) Ray-traced image with real mirrors (figure errors measured in ALBA Optics Lab) and thermally distorted 1st crystal:

coming soon
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