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Congratulations to Jorg Klora and Lluis Miralles

In these first months of 2013 ALBA is facing the reality that many representatives of our staff are changing affiliation, attracted by Laboratories around the world, at the front end of scientific and technological advances. This is a natural process once a project has finished its constructing phase.

Even if worried by the loss of experienced people, I want to express my congratulations to all of them for the opportunities that they have been offered thanks to their excellent capacities and experience, and I profit to welcome the new comers, who will add fresh ideas and strength to our organization.

My special congratulations go to two of the founders of ALBA:

Jorg Klora, nominated IT Head at ITER, and Lluis Miralles, nominated Head of General Infrastructure Department at CERN. They are witness of the excellence of ALBA and of the Spanish science, and we all wish them a fruitful and successful experience as they have had in our laboratory.


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