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ALBA hosts the Photon and Neutron Open Data Infrastructure project meeting

In conjunction with and ICAT workshops and within the framework of the PaNdata collaboration project, ALBA Synchrotron held a project meeting on September 9th and 10th to discuss the open data infrastructure used in European photon and neutron laboratories. More than 30 attendees from seven different European countries participated in the meeting.

The purpose of this meeting was to review the status of the 8 different work packages belonging to the PaNdata ODI project, and a particular workshop for the Umbrella project, within the WP3 (AAA - Authentication/Authorization/Accounting), took place. The status of the deployment of another work package, in which ALBA is significantly participating, the ICAT project (WP4 - Data Catalogue), has also been reviewed.

PaNdata Open Data Infrastructure is a FP7 supported project created with the aim of implementing a common open data infrastructure, in particular on software and data catalogues, user identities and authentication systems or optimized data analysis methods. Formed in 2008, the PaNdata collaboration currently brings together eleven major world class European research infrastructures.

The organisers are satisfied with the results of the meeting and the successful progress of the collaboration project.

More information about the project:

ALBA organises a workshop on Open Data Infrastructure for European photon and neutron laboratories

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