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First official users on the PEEM station of the CIRCE beamline

The group from Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona came on October 17th in order to study self-patterned single crystalline substrates and thin films.

 Some results are shown below:


On the left is a Mirror Electron Microscopy image of the SrTiO3 surface where two distinct terminations as well as the terrace steps are visible. On the right the Ti2p3/2 core level spectra from both terminations obtained by XPEEM spectromicroscopy. Choosing the appropriate photon energy to minimize the photoelectron escape depth allowed us to detect the contrast arising from a single atomic layer.

Figure 2 shows the contrast inversion in XPEEM images of thin La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 films on SrTiO3 at the photoelectron low energy cutoff. We confirmed that the thin film mimics the substrate terminations and were able to measure the work function difference between La2/3Sr1/3O and MnO2 areas.


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