========================= LICENSE INFORMATION ========================= This is an UNOFFICIAL Windows binary distribution of QtiPlot done by Carlos Pascual-Izarra. (substitute '_AT_' by '@') Qtiplot is a program writen by Ion Vasilef and other collaborators. Check its web page for more information: http://soft.proindependent.com/qtiplot.html QtiPlot is released under the General Public License. See the gpl_license.txt file included. In order to produce the binaries, libraries from the following Free/OpenSouce projects were used: -mingw-distro (which includes: mingw, libpng, zlib & boost): http://nuwen.net/mingw.html -GSL for windows: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gsl.htm -muparser: http://muparser.sourceforge.net/ -Qt: http://www.qtsoftware.com/ ================================ WHY THIS UNNOFICIAL DISTRIBUTION ================================ The reason for me creating this distribution is that, although the Qtiplot program is Free Software uner the GPL license, its author does not provide ready-to-use windows binaries for free, and the only options are: a) buy a maintenance contract from Ion Vasilief b) compile the program yourself from the GPL'ed sources c) Get the compiled program from someone else who compiled it (the GPL grants redistribution rights) So I myself chose option b),and I am releasing it to make option c) feasible for other people who cannot/don't want to compile it. Then, why would anyone want option a) if there is option c)? 1) First, because you may want to help Qtiplot development. 2) Because you may want to have support from Ion Vasilef 3) because you may want to have the most up-to-date binary ========================= INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ========================= -Unzip the distribution file into whatever folder you choose. That's it! For running qtiplot, execute qtiplot.exe (easy!) Optionally, you may find convenient to: a) make a direct link to qtiplot.exe in your desktop b) associate *.qti files to qtiplot.exe (maybe *.opj files too?)